All About Ingrown Hairs

What are Ingrown Hairs? 

Ingrown hairs are formed when a hair curls back on itself or grows sideways into the skin, causing inflammation and a pimple-like bump. These bumps can cause pain and irritation, and trouble when shaving. 

The best way to prevent ingrown hair is to exfoliate. Wash your face and beard a few times a week with a facial scrub or exfoliating cleanser. This will help clear any follicles that are just starting to grow inward and prevent follicles from getting clogged with dead skin cells in the future. Read all about Exfoliation and the best scrubs to use based on your skin type for the best results. Not only does this routine stop in-grown hairs from developing, it also keeps your skin healthy and clean. 

How to Treat an Ingrown Hair:

1. Use a warm compress on the area for a few minutes
2. Gently try removing the hair with tweezers
3. Wash the area with warm water and moisturizing soap
4. Use another warm compress on the area for a few minutes at a time
5. Exfoliate once a day to remove any dead skin cells, dirt, and oils


How to Prevent Ingrown Hair: 

Ingrown hairs are more likely to occur if you shave against the direction of your hair growth. Shave with your hair growth to reduce the risk for ingrown hairs. Also, make sure to use slow, even strokes. Shaving too quickly or tugging on the hair can also cause ingrown hairs. 

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